If you pay by direct debit you ll receive a discount see how.
Go green energy fixed september 2020.
Otherwise you can find out about our other exciting tariffs on offer.
Know where you stand.
The cost of energy can go up and down so you may need to switch again in the winter.
If you re already on go green energy fix september 2020 you can continue to enjoy the benefits of the tariff for the rest of your fixed period.
Choose how you pay.
There s no exit fee if you decide to switch tariff or supplier.
Greater certainty from fixed rates.
Fixed price gas and electricity tariffs guarantee that the cost of your energy will not go up for a set amount of time depending on the tariff your energy rates could be fixed for up to 18 months.
Homeowners will be given 5 000 in energy saving vouchers to help them insulate their homes.
A competitive energy segment that generates electricity and transports natural gas under long term fixed fee agreements.
Switch energy provider to save money.
Easy online account management.
No early exit fee.
Price fix until october 2021.
Pay by monthly direct debit or receipt of bill.
These entities combine to produce more energy from the wind and sun than.
If you want a.
Our go green energy fix september 2020 tariff is no longer available.